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Launching Place, Millgrove & Wesburn Rezonings (LDRZ or NRZ) under Planning Amendment C159

Planning Amendment C159 was approved by the Planning Minister on 20th November 2020, and this resulted in planning zoning change from Rural Living Zone (RLZ) to either Low Density Residential Zone (LDRZ) or Neighbourhood Residential Zoning (NRZ) for the properties affected by  Amendment C159 in the Launching Place, Millgrove & Wesburn areas.

These recent changes assist in potential for greater use/development of the land in these localities, than what was previously available under the Rural Living Zone, and a lessening of potential planning permit trigger requirements.

However, there are still some significant limitations retained in regards to subdivision within these areas of the Shire, so any land owner or potential purchaser should familiarise themselves with these limitations.

The late changes to Amendment C159 which were added to Clause 51.03 of the Planning Scheme by the Planning Minister's Department, mean the planning property reports generated from VicPlan and the relevant Zoning Schedules applicable to the land, do not clearly highlight the subdivision limitations of land in these areas.

I would encorage any person considering development in these areas to seek specialist advice, so they can understand the limitations that may apply to their property and any project being planned.

Posted: Sat 30 Oct 2021


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